Happy New Year everyone !
I am so excited to share with you my first home improvement in 2017. A quick, easy and inexpensive home improvement that you can do without a helper.
For so long I wanted to pretty up my bathroom’s mirror. I thought I’ll be spending the weekend spurcing up the narrow bathroom but I was done in an hour.
I only use diamond / rhinestone mesh ribbon and a tube of Quick Grip that bonds plastic and glass. Simple, right ? {See My Amazon Picks above}
This is how my bathroom mirror looks before. So plain and puny.
Now it looks polish and finish. My version of Bejeweled Mirror. If you want the frame to have a 3D shape, you can use the Flower mesh rhinestone ribbon. I will definitely use it for my next project.
Below are few tutorials I pinned while getting inspired. A gret DIY that doesn’t require anything crazy. Click the ::Source:: underneath the picture to get complete tutorials.
The first one is from Healthy Tipping Point. I like the wooden frame using accent mouldings on each corner to avoid 45 degree angle cut. You can actually ask Home Depot or Lowes to cut the wood/moulding for you at no extra cost. Just come in handy with exact measurements.

:: Source :: Healthy Tipping Point
I also love this DIY mosaic tile mirror makeover by A to Z and J. The tile color variations give life to the frame.

:: Source :: A to Z and J
You can also use a single row tile for smaller mirror. You can glue the tile using Silicone Adhesive. With this method you don’t need grout. Awesome !

:: Source :: The Sits Girls
These are really beautiful mirror’s frame that you create in just a weekend by yourself. The cost is very minimal for the grand result.
If I can do it, I am sure you can do it too.
Thank you for reading !
- Shared by Simply Tale
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It is my intention to give 'credit' to whoever the picture belongs to, but Ooops does happen. If you find pictures that belong to you without 'noted' source, please let me know.
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