Ever since I saw Instagram @readysetmake, I know I had been bitten by the Himmeli’s bug.
Himmeli is a traditional Finnish Christmas decorations made from natural straw and is assembled in geometric shapes. Once you understand the basic shapes, the possibilities are endless.
I have gathered many images of how Himmeli(s) are used…other than for Christmas decorations.

Hmmeli as Wedding decorations. Image: Decoholic

Himmeli as necklace. Image and Tutorial: Minted Strawberry

Himmeli as Christmas tree decorations. Image and Tutorial: The House that Larsbuilt

Himmeli as mobiles. Image: OH JOY

Himmeli as light fixture. Image: Formly Love Of

Himmeli as wall decorations. Image and Tutorial: Doodle Craft
Are you inspired?
If by now, you put Himmeli in your List to Make, here’s is a good tutorial by ONR to make basic Himmeli shape:
{You can substitute the materials from paper / plastic straws to Brass tubes, from twine to wire, depending on the sturdiness you want to achieve}
Similar projects I am gonna do is Teardrop planter. Vintage Revivals has an awesome step by step tutorial to make this hanging planter for $ 15.
Wish me luck with this project and the same luck to you…
Happy Himmeli !
- Shared by Simply Tale
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It is my intention to give 'credit' to whoever the picture belongs to, but Ooops does happen. If you find pictures that belong to you without 'noted' source, please let me know.
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