This year, I didn’t want to get myself in too deep with spending a lot of time crafting a costume, or spending a lot of money purchasing a costume my daughter only wear once. SEMI homemade costume is what I need. Here are my TOP 3 {SEMI} Homemade Halloween Costume.
1. Meet OLIVIA… Olivia is a fictional character in a series of children’s books written and illustrated by Ian Falconer.

:: Source :: Hellobee
You can buy pig ears’ headband from My Amazon Pick below for $6, or make it yourself for under $2.
What you need to make Pig Ears’ headband :
2 Pieces of Pink Felt
Pink Headband. I covered a white headband with pink ribbon.
Hot Glue Gun
Create a template by drawing one ear on a piece of paper and cutting it out.
Place template on the felt as your guide. Cut out 4 ear-shaped pieces of pink felt.
Glue around the edges of two pieces of felt. Stick each piece to the felt pieces without glue. (You’ll need two pieces of felt per ear so they are stable and won’t flop over.)
Glue the ears to the pink headband.
2. Meet THE JEDI

:: Source :: Dana Made It
3. Meet Cat in the Hat, Thing 1 and Thing 2

:: Source :: Mission To Save
Cat in the Hat Costume needs:
Black sweater and sweatpants
Red felt or fabric to make a big bow
White gloves
Red and white hat. I found mine on Target for 3.
Things 1 and Things 2 costume needs:
Red sweatsuits
White gloves
Bright blue yarn and ski hat. Cut the yarn into about 4-5 inch strips. Tie two together by knotting them in the middle. Attach the yarn hair onto ski hat. You can either hot glue them or hand sew them using the knot as the base.
White paint to paint on the white circle
Black permanent marker to outline the white circle and to draw on the ‘Thing 1’ ‘Thing 2’ wording.
Those are my TOP 3 {SEMI} Homemade costumes. If you have your favorite you like to share, please leave me a comment below.
Have a fun and safe Halloween !!
- Shared by Simply Tale
- Category Fashion, PROJECT INSPIRATIONS, Seasonal
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