… and behind the scene of cake making, picture taking and blogging.
It is not easy guys when you try to do all of the above with a two years old around you.
You gotta be quick and have lots of patient.

It’s just for fun after making the Black Forest cake that my friend suggested a different name for my not so original Black Forest Cake design: a Meteor Shower cake.  I swirled the chocolate dust with a small whisk, dusted some powder sugar and sprinkle some silver nonpareils.

Here is my version of Meteor Shower Cake.

Now behind the scene:

All the mess I created and had to clean up. Funnn !!!
neglected daughter.  Thanks to Ipad for babysitting her for awhile.

She was so close to the cake.  Actually, she moved the cake while I was taking picture.  finally, she found new object to play with, or I shall say She found new object to destroy.

Can you imagine if she spill this bowl full of nonpareils? It’s not gonna be fun cleaning up, for sure.

Moving the props around.

That’s IT.  I had to bribe her with Mango Yogurt Ice Cream so she left me alone.

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It is my intention to give 'credit' to whoever the picture belongs to, but Ooops does happen. If you find pictures that belong to you without 'noted' source, please let me know.